Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Operation Get-Joop-Back

The Jeep. Once a fine, strong peice of machinery. But it has since fallen into the evil clutches of a crack-head, and it is no longer the automobile it once was. It is our job, our duty, to fully restore "Joop" back to the way it was, just months ago....
We devised a plan. A brilliant plan to get the Jeep back into good hands. We went to Benson yesterday and opened up the hood to find.... nothing. Almost everything was gone. The battery, the air filter, the fuel cap.... And what was inside the actual Jeep? You name it. The poor thing looked like it had been used as a trash can for a few months. We found a crap load of crap. I found a tobacco can. Joe even found a bong in the middle compartment thingy. It was so gross. But we cleaned it out and got a new battery and other things for it, and washed our hands like we never have before. I did anyway. Anyway, finally he got it running. But only enough to get it to my parent's house. It needs a new carburetor to get it all the way to Thatcher. But at least it's safe for now. Away from the hands that ruined it in the first place... :/

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